Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing by Integrating Perturbed Distance Matrices
Tóm tắt
Collecting large amounts of data is beneficial in machine learning to generate models that are less biased. There are many cases in which pieces of similar data are distributed among organizations, and it is difficult to integrate these data owing to issues involving privacy and cost. Integrating these distributed data without delivering the original data leads to the concept of data collaboration, which combines data held by different organizations in a secure manner. We propose a method in which a distance matrix of the original data obtained using common data among organizations is shared to learn neighbor information of the original data. Specifically, the proposed method robustly integrates distributed data, which is of as good quality as connected raw data, in cases where the amount of data in each organization is small and the data bias is large. In addition, the proposed method is applicable to data contaminated by noise. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we performed a classification task on open biological data divided into several pieces and found that the classification results for divided data were as precise as when all data were available. Finally, we show that the robustness of the method against noise improves the anonymity of the original data as a by-product.
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