Priority as extremal probability
Tóm tắt
We extend the stratified model of probabilistic processes to obtain a very general notion ofprocess priority. The main idea is to allow probability guards of value 0 to be associated with alternatives of a probabilistic summation expression. Such alternatives can be chosen only if the non-zero alternatives are precluded by contextual constraints. We refer to this model as one of “extremal probability” and to its signature asPCCS
ζ. We providePCCS
ζ with a structural operational semantics and a notionof probabilistic bisimulation, which is shown to be a congruence. Of particular interest is the abstractionPCCS
π ofPCCS
ζ in which all non-zero probability guards are identified.PCCS
π represents a customized framework for reasoning about priority, and covers all features of process algebras proposed for reasoning about priority that we know of.
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