Primary Care Physicians: an Untapped Resource for Disaster Response
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The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. What is a disaster? Retrieved from . Accessed 6 Oct 2018.
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• Peters RM, Hipper TJ, Chernak ED. Primary care medical practices: are community health care providers ready for disaster? Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2018:1–5. This article highlights the areas for improvement by primary care practices during public health emergencies.
Huntington MK, Gavagan TF. Disaster medicine training in family medicine: a review of the evidence. Fam Med. 2011;43(1):13–20.
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• Hashikawa M, Gold KJ. Disaster preparedness in primary care: ready or not? Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2018:1–5. This reference highlights the misconception of future disasters among outpatient clinics and the lack of personal disaster planning.
• Grock A, Aluiso A, Abram E, Roblin P, Arquilla B. Evaluation of the association between disaster training and confidence in disaster response among graduate medical trainees: a cross-sectional study. American Journal of Disaster Medicine. 2017;12(1):5–9. This article discusses the amount of emergency response education and the type of training that residents received and their confidence level in responding to a disaster.
• Bank I, Khalil E. Are pediatric emergency physicians more knowledgeable and confident to respond to a pediatric disaster after an experiential learning experience? Prehospital Disaster Med. 2016;31(5):551–6. This citation highlights that simulation workshops are better at training advanced learnings to manage patients during a disaster scenario and increased confidence levels.
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Gebbie KM, James JJ, Subbarao I. What to do before, during, and after An emergency or disaster: a preparedness toolkit for office-based health care practices: American Medical Association; 2009.
Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Preparation for emergencies in the offices of pediatricians and pediatric primary care providers. Am Acad Pediatr. 2007;120(1):200–12. .
Filice CE, Vaca FE, Curry L, Platis S, Lurie N, Bogucki S. Pandemic planning and repsonse in academic pediatric emergency departments during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. Acad Emerg Med. 2013;20(1):54–62. .
Putzer GJ, Koro-Ljungberg M, Duncan P. Critical challenges and impediments Affecting rural physicians during a public health emergency. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2012;6:342–8. .
•• SAMHSA Disaster Technical Assistance Center Supplemental Research Bulletin: Disaster Behavioral Health Interventions Inventory. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. May 2015. Retrieved from . Accessed 16 Dec 2018. This source compiled disaster specific behavioral health resources that are available to assist people after a traumatic event.
•• Schonfeld DJ, Demaria T, et al. Providing psychosocial support to children and families in the aftermath of disasters and crises. Pediatrics. 2015;136(4):e1120–30. This reference outlines how pediatricians can identify children that need help coping after a disaster as well as discussing the importance of professional self care.