Pressure-driven diffusive gas flows in micro-channels: from the Knudsen to the continuum regimes
Tóm tắt
Despite the enormous scientific and technological importance of micro-channel gas flows, the understanding of these flows, by classical fluid mechanics, remains incomplete including the prediction of flow rates. In this paper, we revisit the problem of micro-channel compressible gas flows and show that the axial diffusion of mass engendered by the density (pressure) gradient becomes increasingly significant with increased Knudsen number compared to the pressure driven convection. The present theoretical treatment is based on a recently proposed modification (Durst et al. in Proceeding of the international symposium on turbulence, heat and mass transfer, Dubrovnik, 3–18 September, pp 25–29, 2006) of the Navier–Stokes equations that include the diffusion of mass caused by the density and temperature gradients. The theoretical predictions using the modified Navier–Stokes equations are found to be in good agreement with the available experimental data spanning the continuum, transition and free-molecular (Knudsen) flow regimes, without invoking the concept of Maxwellian wall-slip boundary condition. The simple theory also results in excellent agreement with the results of linearized Boltzmann equations and Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. Finally, the theory explains the Knudsen minimum and suggests the design of future micro-channel flow experiments and their employment to complete the present days understanding of micro-channel flows.
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