Pressure-Based Liquid Feed System for Suspension Plasma Spray Coatings
Tóm tắt
Thermal spraying with liquid-based feedstocks demonstrated a potential to produce coatings with new and enhanced characteristics. A liquid delivery system prototype was developed and tested in this study. The feeder is based on the 5MPE platform and uses a pressure setup to optimally inject and atomize liquid feedstock into a plasma plume. A novel self-cleaning apparatus is incorporated into the system to greatly reduce problems associated with clogging and agglomeration of liquid suspensions. This approach also allows the liquid feedstock line to the gun to remain charged for quick on-off operation. Experiments on aqueous and ethanol-based suspensions of titania, alumina, and YSZ were performed through this liquid delivery system using a 9MB plasma gun. Coatings with ultrafine splat microstructures were obtained by plasma spraying of those suspensions. Phase composition and microstructure of the as-sprayed coatings were investigated.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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