Presence of autoantibody against ATTR Val30Met after sequential liver transplantation

Transplantation - Tập 73 Số 5 - Trang 751-755 - 2002
Yukio Ando, Hisayasu Terazaki1, Katsuki Haraoka1, Takahiro Tajiri2, Masaaki Nakamura3, Konen Obayashi4, Shogo Misumi5, Shozo Shoji5, Kanako Hata2, Kazuko Nakagawa2, Takashi Ishizaki2, Shinji Üemoto6, Yukihiro Inomata6, Kōichi Tanaka6, Hiroaki Okabe4
1First Department of Internal Medicine, Kumamoto University School of Medicine.
2Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Graduate School of Clinical Pharmacy, Kumamoto University.
3Department of Neurology, Kumamoto University School of Medicine.
4Department of Laboratory Medicine, Kumamoto University School of Medicine.
5Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University.
6Department of Transplantation and Immunology, Kyoto University School of Medicine.

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