Potential Impacts of Transportation and Building Electrification on the Grid: A Review of Electrification Projections and Their Effects on Grid Infrastructure, Operation, and Planning
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This paper highlights the main impacts of transportation and building electrification on electricity grid infrastructure, operations, and planning. We focus on which electric technologies are expected to grow, how electrification will impact electricity demand and grid activities, and which solutions might improve the integration of these technologies. Recent industry reports show increasing projections of electrification technologies in the coming decades. Studies show that increased demand from electrification will likely require grid capacity expansion and make grid operations and planning more challenging; however, multiple non-wires solutions exist to ensure integration is efficient and cost-effective. Electrification of space heating and especially transportation is expected to have the largest impact on electricity demand in the near future. Uncontrolled electric vehicle charging poses a significant challenge to grid operations, but control strategies create an opportunity for improved efficiency. Other insights include a high level of uncertainty in electrification adoption and potential benefits of combining electrification technologies with renewable generation and energy storage.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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