Postprandial kinetics of gene expression of proteins involved in the digestive process in rainbow trout (O. mykiss) and impact of diet composition

Fish Physiology and Biochemistry - Tập 42 - Trang 1187-1202 - 2016
Marion Borey1,2, Stephane Panserat1, Anne Surget1, Marianne Cluzeaud1, Elisabeth Plagnes-Juan1, Alexandre Herman1, Viviana Lazzarotto1, Geneviève Corraze1, Françoise Médale1, Beatrice Lauga2, Christine Burel1
1UMR1419 Nutrition, Métabolisme, Aquaculture, INRA, Saint Pee sur Nivelle, France
2EEM, UMR 5254 IPREM, Equipe Environnement et Microbiologie, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Pau, France

Tóm tắt

The impact of increased incorporation of plant ingredients on diets for rainbow trout was evaluated in terms of gene expression of gastric (gastric lipase, pepsinogen) and intestinal (prolidase, maltase, phospholipase A2) digestive enzymes and nutrient transporters (peptide and glucose transporters), as well as of postprandial levels of plasma glucose, triglycerides and total free amino acids. For that purpose, trout alevins were fed from the start of exogenous feeding one of three different experimental diets: a diet rich in fish meal and fish oil (FM–FO), a plant-based diet (noFM–noFO) totally free from fish meal and fish oil, but containing plant ingredients and a Mixed diet (Mixed) intermediate between the FM–FO and noFM–noFO diets. After 16 months of rearing, all fish were left unfed for 72 h and then given a single meal to satiation. Blood, stomach and anterior intestine were sampled before the meal and at 2, 6 and 12 h after this meal. The postprandial kinetics of gene expression of gastric and intestinal digestive enzymes and nutrient transporters were then followed in trout fed the FM–FO diet. The postprandial profiles showed that the expression of almost all genes studied was stimulated by the presence of nutrients in the digestive tract of trout, but the timing (appearance of peaks) varied between genes. Based on these data, we have focused on the molecular response to dietary factors in the stomach and the intestine at 6 and 12 h after feeding, respectively. The reduction in FM and FO levels of dietary incorporation induced a significant decrease in the gene expression of gastric lipase, GLUT2 and PEPT1. The plasma glucose and triglycerides levels were also reduced in trout fed the noFM–noFO diet. Consequently, the present study suggests a decrease in digestive capacities in trout fed a diet rich in plant ingredients.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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