Polyploidy induction by hydrostatic pressure shock and embryo development of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 25 - Trang 184-190 - 2007
Jun Ding1,2, Yaqing Chang2, Zichen Wang2, Jian Song2
1School of Environmental & Biological Science & Technology, Dalian University Technology, Dalian, China
2Key Laboratory of Mariculture and Biotechnology, Ministry of Agriculture, Dalian Fisheries University, Dalian, China

Tóm tắt

The manipulation of the chromosome set for commercially valuable marine animals is important for enhancing aquacultural production. In this study, triploid and tetraploid sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus were induced by hydrostatic pressure shock, and the conditions of appropriate induction were tested with different starting times, and hydrostatic pressure intensities and durations. The highest rate of triploid induction reached 20% and that of tetraploid was 60%. In consideration of the survival rate and hatch rate, the appropriate treatment for triploid was 55 Mpa of hydrostatic pressure for 5 min at 55 min after fertilization (a.f.), while for tetraploid it was 60 Mpa for 5 min at 61 min a.f. The triploid of the sea cucumber could survive through the pelagic larval stage and attachment stage, and develop like the control group of the experiment. The tetraploid, however, could not survive the attachment stage.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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