Policing Pakistani Style in the Theatre of Terror
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A NATO air strike killed 24 Pakistani Army members who were patrolling the Afghanistan border with Pakistan, and, although the US use of drones in Pakistan have been controversial, this latest incident enraged and inflamed public and political opinion in Pakistan as thousands of people protested across Pakistani cities as well as media channels using solemn music to portray the soldiers as martyrs massacred in the interests of the US. The incident has arguably fuelled anti-US/UK sentiments which do not make it easier for the Pakistani police service, already struggling with strategic, resource and geographic challenges, to counter the threat from terrorist groups. In the fight against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, such incidents will only add to the antipathy and propaganda used by those organisations to play upon disaffected Pakistani’s and use such moments as a recruitment tool both in the UK and in Pakistan. In light of this, it is important to explore and examine the repercussions upon law enforcement agencies such as the Pakistani police and the methods which they have to employ in combating and dealing with terror threats, since those operations will have a direct impact in Britain. In an age of terror, the Pakistani police force must adopt a more focused community policing model that will help tackle such developing terrorist ideologies .
Tài liệu tham khảo
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