Plasmon Resonances in a Star-Shaped Golden Nanocylinder
Tóm tắt
Two-dimensional problem of diffraction of a plane electromagnetic TM wave by a cylindrical golden 2D nanostructure is considered. The contour of the cross-section of this structure is a star-shaped curve. The spectra of the scattering cross section and scattering pattern are calculated using a rigorous numerical method in the light wavelength range 400 nm < λ < 900 nm. The influence of the medium loss and geometric dimensions of the structure on the scattering cross section and scattering pattern is investigated. It is shown that it is typical for this structure to have one resonance of the scattering cross section and several resonances in the scattering spectrum in the region of values
$$kD < 1$$
$$k = {{2\pi } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{2\pi } \lambda }} \right. \kern-0em} \lambda }$$
is the maximal dimension of the structure, and
$$\lambda $$
is the wavelength). It is also shown that, because of the real gold loss, it is impossible to observe multipole resonances of the scattering cross section. The effect of the degeneracy of plasmons and the near field of the structure is discovered. The influence of the geometric dimensions of the structure on the scattering cross section and absorption spectrum is demonstrated.
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