Plant Host Traits Mediated by Foliar Fungal Symbionts and Secondary Metabolites

Moriah Sandy1,2, Tina I. Bui2, Kenia Segura Abá2, Nestor Ruiz2, John Paszalek2, Elise W. Connor2,3, Christine V. Hawkes2,4
1Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, USA
2Department of Integrative Biology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA
3Department of Biology, College of Western Idaho, Nampa, USA
4Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA

Tóm tắt

Fungal symbionts living inside plant leaves (“endophytes”) can vary from beneficial to parasitic, but the mechanisms by which the fungi affect the plant host phenotype remain poorly understood. Chemical interactions are likely the proximal mechanism of interaction between foliar endophytes and the plant, as individual fungal strains are often exploited for their diverse secondary metabolite production. Here, we go beyond single strains to examine commonalities in how 16 fungal endophytes shift plant phenotypic traits such as growth and physiology, and how those relate to plant metabolomics profiles. We inoculated individual fungi on switchgrass, Panicum virgatum L. This created a limited range of plant growth and physiology (2–370% of fungus-free controls on average), but effects of most fungi overlapped, indicating functional similarities in unstressed conditions. Overall plant metabolomics profiles included almost 2000 metabolites, which were broadly correlated with plant traits across all the fungal treatments. Terpenoid-rich samples were associated with larger, more physiologically active plants and phenolic-rich samples were associated with smaller, less active plants. Only 47 metabolites were enriched in plants inoculated with fungi relative to fungus-free controls, and of these, Lasso regression identified 12 metabolites that explained from 14 to 43% of plant trait variation. Fungal long-chain fatty acids and sterol precursors were positively associated with plant photosynthesis, conductance, and shoot biomass, but negatively associated with survival. The phytohormone gibberellin, in contrast, was negatively associated with plant physiology and biomass. These results can inform ongoing efforts to develop metabolites as crop management tools, either by direct application or via breeding, by identifying how associations with more beneficial components of the microbiome may be affected.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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