Planning and Simulation of FMS

CIRP Annals - Tập 34 - Trang 577-584 - 1985
John R. Crookall1
1Cranfield/U. K.

Tài liệu tham khảo

“TOGEPA Manufacturing of Turbocharger Casings in a Flexible Manufacturing System”, F Umbricht, and C R Boer, Proc 3rd Int Conf on FMS, 1984, IFS. “Simulation for Economic Evaluation of Advanced Manufacturing”, C R Boer, V Metzler, Int Conf on Simulation in Manufacturing - Stratford-upon-Avon, 5th-7th March, 1985. “Computer Aided Planning of Manufacturing Systems”, C R Boer, G Schroder, Proc 6th International Conference PROLAMAT 85. “KLRQ Software: A Package of Computer Programs for the Preliminary Planning of Manufacturing System”, C R Boer, Paper KLR 84-180 C, Brown Boveri, Switzerland, Oct 1984. “Computer-aided performance analysis and design of cellular manufacturing systems”, J. R. Crookall and L. C. Lee, Proc. CIRP Int. Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, Cranfield, 5–6 July 1977, and Proc Vol.6 No.3 1977 pp.177-195. “Reliable automation in Advanced Manufacturing Systems”, J R Crookall, Proc Conf of British Council of Maintenance Associations, Harrogate, 7–9 March 1985. “Plan for Computer Integrated Manufacturing”, J. R. Crookall, Proc I. Prod. E Seminar London, 15th November 1984. “Simulation, Emulation, and Computer-Integrated Manufacture”, J. R. Crookall, Int Conf on Simulation in Manufacturing - Stratford-upon-Avon, 5th-7th March, 1985. “Design Scheduling and Simulation of Flexible Manufacturing Systems” W Eversheim, Private Ccmnunication. “Survey of CAP - System: Extracts from the Investigation” W Eversheim, CIRP Group O Working Group Paper, Madison, August 1984. “FMS in Japan”, Kazuaki Iwata, Bulletin Japan Society of Precision Engineering Volume 18 No. 2, June 1984, pp 186 - 192. “Innovation of Machine Tool Technology”, Kazuaki Iwata, Proc Japan Machine Tool Builders' Association, pp 1 - 79. “Flexible Manufacturing Trends and Data Base Requirements” Richard L Kegg, Keynote Paper, 5th International Conference on Production Engineering, Tokyo 1984, pp 1 - 6. “Design and Production Planning Aids for the Variable Mission Flexible Manufacturing System”, Peggy Semoza, Manufacturing Systems Analyst, Cincinnati Milacron, Proc 1982 Fall Industrial Engineering Conference. “Variable Mission System Simulation/Scheduler Models”, Ken Fox, Cincinnati Milacron, Detroit ORSA/TIMS Conference, April 19-21, 1982. “Design and Operational Planning Aids for Variable Mission Systems” Cincinnati Milacron, pp 1 - 5. “The Impact of Tooling in Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, Vincent P Rovito, P.E. and Steven L Hankins, Cincinnati Milacron, pp 1 - 23. “Planning Models for Designing FMS”, Vincent P Rovito, P.E. and Richard E Dvorsky, Cincinnati Milacron, pp 1 - 31. “The Importance of Flexible Manufacturing Systems to the Realization of Full Computer-Integrated Manufacturing”, M Eugene Merchant, Metcut Research Associates Inc, Cincinnati, Presented at UN Economic Commission for Europe Seminar on FMS: Design and Applications, Bulgaria, 24–28 Sept. 1984. “FMS Control: Covering all the Angles”, Patrick Burgam, CAD/CAM Technology, Summer 1984. “Commentaries on FMS Control”, Robert N Stauffer, CAD/CAM Technology, Summer 1984. “Simultaneous Processing - Scheduling Concept for Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, G. Spur, and G. Seliger, Annals of the CIRP Volume 32, 1983, pp 385–388. “The Role of Simulation in Design of Manufacturing Systems”, G Spur, W Hirn, G Seliger, 5th IFIP/IEAC International Conference on Programming Research and Operations Logistics in Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Leningrad, May 1982, also Berlin, November 19th, 1981. “Flexible Manufacturing Systems in Europe”, G Spur, K Mertins, B Viehweger, Presented at International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology of the Future, 9–12 October, 1984, Massachusetts. “Cell Concepts for Flexible Automated Manufacturing”, G Spur, G Seliger, B Viehweger, Autofact Europe Conference Proceedings, 13–15 Sept. 1983, Geneva. “Problem Oriented Methods for the Planning and Optimization of Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, G Spur, B Viehweger, B Wieneke, FMS-2 Conference, October 1983, London. “Achievements within the Machine Tool Field for Automated Metalworking”, G Spur, and G Seliger, 3rd International Metal Cutting Days, San Viken (Sweden), June 13-15 1984. “Gemensamma Interface och Natverksprinciper vid Material-Hantering”, Gunnar Landsell, December 1984. “Simulation and Computer-Aided Planning of FMS”, H J Warnecke, T Zipse, K P Zeh, Proc 3rd Int Conf on FMS, Sept 1984, IFS. “The Right Part Families and Manufacturing Tasks for FMS: 10 Recommendations for FMS - Planning and Realization”, R Steinhilper, Proc 3rd Int Conf on FMS, Sept 1984, IFS. “Digital Stochastic Simulation - A Method for Planning and Optimizing the availability of Manufacturing Systems”, R Seidel, IPA Stuttgart. “Planungssicherheit durch Simulation”, Hans-Peter Roth and Klaus-Peter Zeh, Sonderdruck aus VDI-Z 126, 1984, Heft 12. “Simulationsgestutzte Planung einer flexiblen Fertigungsanlage zur Bearbeitung von Motorenteilen”, Klaus-Peter Zeh and Hans Eberhardt Frank, Sonderdruck aus “tz fur Metallbearbeitung”, 8 Jahrgang, 1984, Heft 5, S. 11/17. “Planning and Simulation of FMS. Justification and Signification of the FMS Concept”, R Weill, Private Communication. “Quantitative design tools for Computerised Manufacturing Systems”, J J Solberg, Proc 6th North American Metalworking Research Committee, Gainsville, Florida, April 1978. “Control Principles in Flexible Manufacturing”, Cynthia K Whitney, Invited Paper, American Control Conference, June 1984. “Production Flow Analysis”, J L Burbidge, Proc Inst of Production Control, May/June 1983. “Concepts for a Real-Time Sensory-Interactive Control System Architecture”, J S Albus, A J Barbera, M L Fitzgerald, Proc 14th South Eastern Symposium on System Theory, April 1982. “Programming a hierarchical Robot Control System”, J S Albus, A J Barbera, M L Fitzgerald, Proc 12th Int Symposium on Industrial Robots, Paris, June 1982.