Physicochemical and morphological characterization of two small polluted streams in southwest Germany

Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health - Tập 8 - Trang 179-194 - 2001
Stefan Adam1, Michael Pawert2, Reinhold Lehmann3, Barbara Roth3, Ewald Müller2, Rita Triebskorn2,4
1Animal Physiological Ecology, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany (corresponding author)
2Animal Physiological Ecology, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
3Geo-ökologie-Consulting, Weilheim, Germany
4Steinbeis-Transfer Center for Ecotoxicology and Ecophysiology, Rottenburg, Germany

Tóm tắt

As a supporting component of the VALIMARproject, physicochemical investigations wereconducted monthly from 1995 to 1999 at theKrähenbach/Aich stream system (two samplingsites) and at the Körsch stream (sixsampling sites). Several physicochemicalparameters were analysed continuously bydataloggers during the entire sampling period.Moreover, a selection of the most importantmorphological parameters of the stream wererecorded in 1998. The results of these physicochemicalinvestigations demonstrated that theKrähenbach/Aich system could becharacterized as a natural rhithral submontanecarbonate stream system that is welloxygenated. Low temporal variations in pH,conductivity and chloride occurred at allsampling sites in the Krähenbach whichcoincided with the geological conditions atthis test stream. Because of relatively lowconcentrations of organic and inorganiccompounds during the entire study period thesites AB and AC in the Krähenbach/Aichsystem were classified as “slightly polluted”.The morphological assessment of the streamindicated a “moderately affected” status atboth of these streams. Physicochemical and morphologicalinvestigations along the Körsch streamsystem (KA to KE including the tributary streamSulzbach) indicated a highly affected rhithralsubmontane carbonate system characterized byhigh water velocity, flow rate and dissolvedoxygen. The Körsch, however, differssignificantly with respect to watertemperature, conductivity, pH, BOD5,nutrients, and chloride concentrations from theKrähenbach. As a result of differentanthropogenic inputs (e.g. several sewageplants, agriculture activities and waste waterdumping) the Körsch sites KA to KD wereclassified as “critically” to “heavilypolluted”. The morphological assessmentindicated a “clearly affected to damaged”status. The upstream site KE could becharacterized as “slightly polluted” and itsmorphological structure as “moderatelyaffected”.

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