Phylogenetic comparison of classical swine fever virus in China

Virus Research - Tập 81 Số 1-2 - Trang 29-37 - 2001
Changchun Tu1, Zongji Lu2, Hongwei Li2, Xinglong Yu2, Xiangtao Liu3, Yuehong Li2, Hongyong Zhang2, Yin Zhen2
1Department of Animal Virology, Changchun University of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, 175 Xian Road, 130062, Changchun, People's Republic of China.
2Department of Animal Virology, Changchun University of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, 175 Xian Road, Changchun 130062, People's Republic of China
3Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, 11 Xujiaping Yanchangbao, Lanzhou 730046, People's Republic of China

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