Photosynthesis of six barley genotypes as affected by water stress

Institute of Experimental Botany - Tập 34 - Trang 67-76 - 1998
G. Arnau1, P. Monneveux1, D. This1, L. Alegre2
1UFR de Gènètique et Amèlioration des Plantes, ENSA-INRA, Montpellier Cedex 1, France
2Department of Plant Biology, Plant Physiology Unit, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Tóm tắt

The effect of water stress on plant water status and net photosynthetic gas exchange (PN) in six barley genotypes (Hordeum vulgare L.) differing in productivity and drought tolerance was studied in a controlled growth chamber. Osmotic adjustment (OA), PN, stomatal conductance (gs), and the ratio intercellular/ambient. CO2 concentration (Ci/Ca) were evaluated at four different levels of soil water availability, corresponding to 75, 35, 25 and 15 % of total available water. Variability in OA capacity was observed between genotypes: the drought tolerant genotypes Albacete and Alpha showed higher OA than drought susceptible genotypes Express and Mogador. The genotype Albacete exhibited also higher PN than the others at low water potential (Ψ). The ratios of PN/gs and Ci/Ca showed that differences in photosynthetic inhibition between genotypes at low Ψ were probably due to nonstomatal effects. In Tichedrett, a landrace genotype with a very extensive root development, OA was not observed, however, it exhibited a capacity to maintain its photosynthetic activity under water stress.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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