Photodynamic therapy disinfection of carious tissue mediated by aluminum-chloride-phthalocyanine entrapped in cationic liposomes: an in vitro and clinical study

João Paulo Figueiró Longo1, Soraya Coelho Leal2, Andreza Ribeiro Simioni3, Maria de Fátima Menezes Almeida-Santos1, Antônio Cláudio Tedesco3, Ricardo Bentes Azevedo1
1Department of Genetics and Morphology, Institute of Biology, University of Brasília, Brasilia, Brazil
2Department of Dentistry, University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
3Center of Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineers, Photobiology and Photomedicine research Group, FFCLRP- São Paulo University, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil

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