Perioperative control of hypertension: When will it adversely affect perioperative outcome?
Tóm tắt
Much has been published about the impact of treatment on adverse outcomes in patients with cardiovascular diseases. Hypertension is an extremely common condition affecting a significant percentage of the world population. Although care guidelines exist for the medical patient with raised blood pressure, there are no accepted guidelines for the preoperative evaluation and perioperative care of the patient with hypertension who undergoes noncardiac surgery. Of particular importance are defining at-risk groups of patients, and the indications for cancellation to treat and hence reduce this risk. This review examines the interactions between hypertension, drug therapies, anesthesia, and adverse outcomes in these patients. Recommendations for identifying patients at greatest risk of adverse cardiovascular events and cardiac mortality have been developed through evaluation of available data. Based on these findings, the only patients in whom cancellation may be justified and the level of hypertension treated prior to surgery are those with stage 2 hypertension and accompanying target-organ damage, or stage 3 hypertension (blood pressure > 180/> 110 mm Hg).
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