Performance Assessment of Low-Temperature A-CAES (Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage) Plants

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 31 - Trang 1279-1292 - 2022
Vittorio Tola1, Francesca Carolina Marcello1, Daniele Cocco1, Giorgio Cau1
1Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy

Tóm tắt

The widespread diffusion of renewable energy sources calls for the development of high-capacity energy storage systems as the A-CAES (Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage) systems. In this framework, low temperature (100°C–200°C) A-CAES (LT-ACAES) systems can assume a key role, avoiding some critical issues connected to the operation of high temperature ones. In this paper, two different LT-ACAES configurations are proposed. The two configurations are characterized by the same turbomachines and compressed air storage section, while differ in the TES section and its integration with the turbomachinery. In particular, the first configuration includes two separated cycles: the working fluid (air) cycle and the heat transfer fluid (HTF) cycle. Several heat exchangers connect the two cycles allowing to recover thermal energy from the compressors and to heat the compressed air at the turbine inlet. Two different HTFs were considered: air (case A) and thermal oil (case B). The second configuration is composed of only one cycle, where the operating fluid and the HTF are the same (air) and the TES section is composed of three different packed-bed thermal storage tanks (case C). The tanks directly recover the heat from the compressors and heat the air at each turbine inlet, avoiding the use of heat exchangers. The LT-ACAES systems were modelled and simulated using the ASPEN-Plus and the MATLAB-Simulink environments. The main aim of this study was the detailed analysis of the reciprocal influence between the turbomachinery and the TES system; furthermore, the performance evaluation of each plant was carried out assuming both on-design and off-design operating conditions. Finally, the different configurations were compared through the main performance parameters, such as the round-trip efficiency. A total power output of around 10 MW was set, leading to a TES tank volume ranging between 500 and 700 m3. The second configuration with three TES systems appears to be the most promising in terms of round-trip efficiency since the energy produced during the discharging phase is greater. In particular, the round-trip efficiency of the LT-ACAES ranges between 0.566 (case A) to 0.674 (case C). Although the second configuration assures the highest performance, the effect of operating at very high pressures inside the tanks should be carefully evaluated in terms of overall costs.

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