Penetration of a Heating Electromagnetic Pulse into Plasma in Magnetic Field

Plasma Physics Reports - Tập 48 - Trang 1156-1164 - 2022
D. A. Grigorovich1, K. N. Ovchinnikov1, S. A. Uryupin1,2
1Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
2National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia

Tóm tắt

Penetration of a heating pulse of quasistationary electromagnetic field into plasma in constant magnetic field directed along its surface was studied. Weakening of electron heat transfer across the magnetic field leads to more efficient heating of electrons near the plasma surface. As a result, the penetration of the field into the plasma decreases, which is accompanied by suppression of the “inverse” skin effect. Inhomogeneous heating of electrons across the magnetic field leads to generation of an electric field strength component orthogonal to both the magnetic field and the direction of temperature gradient. Appearance of the additional field strength component leads to a change in polarization of the reflected pulse. In a sufficiently strong magnetic field, due to suppression of the electron heat flux and less significant effect of the magnetic field on the ion heat flux, a state with large difference of electron and ion temperatures occurs.

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