Patterning of the <i>C. elegans</i> 1° vulval lineage by RAS and Wnt pathways

Development (Cambridge) - Tập 127 Số 23 - Trang 5047-5058 - 2000
Minqin Wang1, Paul W. Sternberg
1Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Division of Biology California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California 91125, USA

Tóm tắt

ABSTRACT In C. elegans, the descendants of the 1° vulval precursor cell (VPC) establish a fixed spatial pattern of two different cell fates: E-F-F-E. The two inner granddaughters attach to the somatic gonadal anchor cell (AC) and generate four vulF cells, while the two outer granddaughters produce four vulE progeny. zmp-1∷GFP, a molecular marker that distinguishes these two fates, is expressed in vulE cells, but not vulF cells. We demonstrate that a short-range AC signal is required to ensure that the pattern of vulE and vulF fates is properly established. In addition, signaling between the inner and outer 1° VPC descendants, as well as intrinsic polarity of the 1° VPC daughters, is involved in the asymmetric divisions of the 1° VPC daughters and the proper orientation of the outcome. Finally, we provide evidence that RAS signaling is used during this new AC signaling event, while the Wnt receptor LIN-17 appears to mediate signaling between the inner and outer 1° VPC descendants.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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