Pathogen exposure influences immune parameters around weaning in pigs reared in commercial farms
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Multiple antigenic stimulations are crucial to immune system training during early post-natal life. These stimulations can be either due to commensals, which accounts for the acquisition and maintenance of tolerance, or to pathogens, which triggers immunity. In pig, only few works previously explored the influence of natural exposition to pathogens upon immune competence. We propose herein the results of a multicentric, field study, conducted on 265 piglets exposed to contrasted pathogen levels in their living environment. Piglets were housed in 15 different commercial farms, sorted in two groups, low (HSLOW)- and high (HSHIGH)-health status farms, depending on their recurrent exposition to five common swine pathogens.
Using animal-based measures, we compared the immune competence and growth performances of HSLOW and HSHIGH pigs around weaning. As expected, we observed a rise in the number of circulating leucocytes with age, which affected different cell populations. Monocyte, antigen-experienced and cytotoxic lymphocyte subpopulation counts were higher in piglets reared in HSLOW farms as compared to their HSHIGH homologs. Also, the age-dependent evolution in
Altogether, our data, obtained in field conditions, provide evidence that early exposure to pathogens shapes the immune competence of piglets. They also document the negative impact of an overstimulation of the immune system on piglets’ growth.
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