Passenger Stability Within Moving Railway Vehicles: Limits on Maximum Longitudinal Acceleration
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Increasing the acceleration and deceleration of trains within a railway network can improve the performance of the system. However, the risk of passengers losing their balance and falling is also increased. The purpose of this paper is therefore to examine the effect of longitudinal vehicle accelerations on passenger safety and comfort. The literature review brings together two separate disciplinary areas, considering the effects of acceleration on balance from a physiological/kinesiological perspective, as well as looking at the results of previous empirical studies on the levels of acceleration that railway passengers will tolerate. The paper also describes an experiment carried out on the Tyne and Wear Metro, which gathered data on typical acceleration levels to compare against the findings of the literature review. It was found that both the magnitude of the accelerations and their rate of change (jerk) are important. The results also suggest that there may be scope to improve the trade-off between journey times, energy consumption and passenger comfort by fine control of the acceleration/jerk profile. This is particularly relevant to urban rail systems, as they typically feature relatively high acceleration and deceleration. However, the findings for passenger comfort are equally applicable to conventional regional and intercity services.
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