Parametric optimization and multiple regression modelling for fabrication of aluminium alloy thin plate using wire arc additive manufacturing

M. Naveen Srinivas1, K. E. K. Vimal1, N. Manikandan2, G. Sritharanandh3
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Patna, India
2Sree Vidhyanikethan Engineering College, Tirupati, India
3Kemppi India Private Limited, Chennai, India

Tóm tắt

Metal additive manufacturing is the most effective way to manufacture short and complex components with near-net shapes but the problem with this process is time-consuming and costly. Wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) has become a promising approach for manufacturing large-scale structures. WAAM is widely used because of its low manufacturing cost and less fabrication time. For the last two decades, researchers have been doing investigations on WAAM of aluminium and its alloys. However, not enough research has been done on 5356 aluminium alloy fabricated by the WAAM process. This study focused on investing the effect of process parameters on WAAM fabricated 5356 aluminium alloy. Three process parameters namely, wire feed rate (WF), gas flow rate (GF), and welding speed are considered with three levels (L-1, L-2, & L-3) of values for the fabrication of weld beads. Taguchi method is adapted to reduce the number of trials for selecting the working range of input variables. By using Taguchi L9 orthogonal array, nine trials are identified and nine weld beads are fabricated using GMAW based WAAM process with 5356 aluminium alloy. Macro-level structural characterization has been done for the nine weld bead samples. ANNOVA analysis is used to investigate the effect of input process variables on output response variables. The correlations between the process variables and response variables are developed by using multiple regression method. Based on the results, by adopting grey relational analysis method optimized process parameters are identified. A conformation test is conducted for the optimized process parameters and a thin plate is fabricated with optimized process parameters.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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