Parametric analysis of non-linear suspension system by optimal MR damper by rider model with sensor
Tóm tắt
The MR damper parameters used in the vehicle model correspond to a real-world damper and are chosen so that the MR damper model characteristics match those of the experimental damper. The control and response statistics of a non-linear vehicle model utilising an MR damper are produced iteratively using the equivalent linearization method, and the findings are validated using rider optimisation (RO) simulation modelling. The suggested technique is easy to use, robust and well-suited for solving highly non-linear situations. The optimal parameters-arrived performance measure is examined, including ride comfort, tyre force, and protentional power, as well as the optimal design specifications for the front and rear dampers. The optimal control using preview reduces a performance index, which is a collection of vehicle performance parameters such as mass acceleration, displacement and both front and rear suspension stiffness. The results reveal that the developed RO algorithm is capable of determining the optimal parameters of the MR dampers.
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