Parallel and Antiparallel A*A-T Intramolecular Triple Helices

Nucleic Acids Research - Tập 24 Số 22 - Trang 4506-4512 - 1996
C. Dagneaux1, Hervé Gousset1, A. K. Shchyolkina2, Mohammed Ouali1, R. Letellier1, J. Liquier1, V. L. Florentiev2, E. Taillandier1
1Laboratoire CSSB - URA CNRS 1430, UFR de Santé-Médecine-Biologie-Humaine, Université Paris XIII , 74 Rue Marcel Cachin, 93017 Bobigny, France
2Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology RASc , Vavilova St 32, 117984 Moscow, Russian Federation

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