PS-PVD Processing of Single-Phase Lanthanum Tungstate Layers for Hydrogen-Related Applications

Journal of Thermal Spray Technology - Tập 28 - Trang 1554-1564 - 2019
D. Marcano1, M. E. Ivanova1, G. Mauer1, Y. J. Sohn1, A. Schwedt2, M. Bram1, N. H. Menzler1, R. Vaßen1
1Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute of Energy and Climate Research, Jülich, Germany
2Gemeinschaftslabor für Elektronenmikroskopie RWTH, Aachen, Germany

Tóm tắt

This work presents a systematic study of the lanthanum tungstate (LaWO) ceramic layers formation on porous metallic substrates as a function of the PS-PVD processing parameters including plasma characteristics, support type and temperature, as well as addition of O2 during the spraying. Through precise control of the PS-PVD parameters, a set of processing conditions were found that led to He gas-tight purely cubic LaWO layers with negligible secondary phase precipitations. Being dependent on process conditioning, the formation and evolution of the cubic La6−xWO12−δ (x = 0.3-0.6) as the main phase of functional importance and of the undesired secondary phases (La2O3 and La6W2O15) was strongly affected by the cation and oxygen stoichiometries. The rapid cooling of the feedstock at particle impact on the substrate led to the formation of highly La-saturated compositions which exhibited significant lattice expansion in comparison with conventionally processed LaWO and is considered beneficial in terms of material performance. And indeed, the H2 permeation performance of the PS-PVD processed LaWO ceramic layers shown earlier by our group was 0.4 ml/min∙cm2 at 825 °C for 60 µm thickness of the functional layer, the highest value reported for this type of proton conducting ceramics, so far.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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