Ovine haemonchosis: a review

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Tập 53 - Trang 1-11 - 2020
Muhammad Naeem1, Zahid Iqbal2, Nabila Roohi1
1Department of Zoology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
2Cattle Breeding Area, Sahiwal, Pakistan

Tóm tắt

Sheep farming is the backbone of a rural economy in developing countries, and haemonchosis is a major impediment in the way of its progress. Haemonchus contortus (H. contortus) infection persists all over the world particularly in the tropical and sub-tropical regions. Various review articles have been published to substantially cover one or more aspects of its morphology, prevalence, pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis, immune response, drug resistance, treatment, and control measure. The objective of this paper is to briefly review past and present information available in the aforementioned areas in one place to enable the readers to fully understand the problem from a broader perspective. H. contortus parasite harbours in abomasum of affected animal and feeds on its blood, producing mild to severe symptoms and even death in acute form. The parasite thus inflicts heavy production losses and is of economic importance. H. contortus has developed diverse characters over the years leading to limited success in the production of vaccines. Indiscriminate use of the anthelmintics has produced drug resistance against almost all conventional products. Efficacy of medicinal plants and non-conventional chemicals has been reported under controlled experiments; however, research on their adverse effects on growth and fertility is yet to be studied. Research on molecular tools for identification and introduction of resistant genes into the flock is also underway but still a long journey to find its field application. Crossbreeding may compromise the production traits of the existing flock. In given circumstances, a targeted selective treatment approach along with selective breeding, culling of more susceptible animals, and maintaining a good body condition score through the provision of a balanced diet remains a workable strategy to control haemonchosis in sheep.

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