Overview literature on matrix assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectroscopy (MALDI MS): Basics and its applications in characterizing polymeric materials

Bulletin of Materials Science - Tập 28 - Trang 515-528 - 2005
R. N. Jagtap1, A. H. Ambre1
1Polymer Engineering and Technology Department, University of Mumbai, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India

Tóm tắt

Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectroscopy (MALDI MS) is a technique which allows the measurement of molecular mass > 200,000 Daltons by ionization and vapourization without degradation. This technique is useful for the mass analysis of synthetic polymers, which have very low volatility. The basic principles of and its applications for polymer characterization have been discussed in this paper. In addition, the possibilities of combining MALDI MS with chromatographic and other analytical techniques have also been discussed.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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