Overlapping Consensus or Marketplace of Religions? Rawls and Smith

Philosophia (United States) - Tập 40 - Trang 223-236 - 2012
Jack Russell Weinstein1
1Department of Philosophy and Religion, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, USA

Tóm tắt

In this paper, I examine the claim that Rawls’s overlapping consensus is too narrow to allow most mainstream religions’ participation in political discourse. I do so by asking whether religious exclusion is a consequence of belief or action, using conversion as a paradigm case. After concluding that this objection to Rawls is, in fact, defensible, and that the overlapping consensus excludes both religious belief and action, I examine an alternative approach to managing religious pluralism as presented by Adam Smith. I show that Smith’s so-called “marketplace of religions” assumes and encourages religious conversion. I then offer objections to Smith’s approach from Rawls’s point of view, concluding that, while Rawls cannot adequately respond to the Smithian challenge, in the end the two positions are complimentary.

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