Organic municipal waste as feedstock for biorefineries: bioconversion technologies integration and challenges
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The need for ensuring resources and energy supplies has stimulated the use of renewable feedstocks for biorefineries. Among organic wastes, the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) outstands because of its increasing amounts and management requirements. Unlike other homogeneous organic waste from food and other industries, OFMSW is characterized by high instability, complexity, and heterogeneity. This review aims to unfold the potential of the OFMSW as feedstock for biorefineries through a discussion on recent valorization alternatives to the commonly employed anaerobic digestion for biogas production. Enzymatic hydrolysis has been identified as a key to unlock the capabilities of OFMSW through the fractioning of structural components into functionalized molecules. In addition, multiple scenarios for the subsequent utilization of such molecules are also presented, together with suitable configurations for processes integration. Lastly, challenges for the OFMSW biorefinery implementation have been identified.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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