Optimization for Early-Warning Monitoring Networks in Well Catchments Should Be Multi-objective, Risk-Prioritized and Robust Against Uncertainty
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Groundwater abstraction wells are commonly protected by zones of restricted land use. Such well protection areas typically cannot cover the entire well catchment, and numerous risk sources remain. Each risk source could release contaminants at any time, affect the well earlier or later, and thus put the quality of supplied water at risk. In this context, it seems fortunate that most well catchments are equipped with monitoring networks. Such networks, however, often grew historically while following diverse purposes that changed with time. Thus, they are often inadequate (or at least suboptimal) as reliable risk control mechanism. We propose to optimize existing or new monitoring networks in a multi-objective setting. The different objectives are minimal costs, maximal reliability in detecting recent or future contaminant spills, and early detection. In a synthetic application scenario, we show that (1) these goals are in fact competing, and a multi-objective analysis is suitable, (2) the optimization should be made robust against predictive uncertainty through scenario-based or Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis, (3) classifying the risk sources (e.g., as severe, medium, almost tolerable) is useful to prioritize the monitoring needs and thus to obtain better compromise solutions under budgetary constraints, and (4) one can defend the well against risk sources at unknown locations through an adequate model for the residual risk. Overall, the concept brings insight into the costs of reliability, the costs of early warning, the costs of uncertainty, and into the trade-off between covering only severe risks versus the luxury situation of controlling almost tolerable risks as well.
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