Optimal Algorithms for Integer Inverse Undesirable p-Median Location Problems on Weighted Extended Star Networks
Tóm tắt
This paper is concerned with the problem of modifying the edge lengths of a weighted extended star network with n vertices by integer amounts at the minimum total cost subject to be given modification bounds so that a set of p prespecified vertices becomes an undesirable p-median location on the perturbed network. We call this problem as the integer inverse undesirable p-median location model. Exact combinatorial algorithms with
$$ {\mathcal {O}}\left( p^2 n \log n\right) $$
$${{\mathcal {O}}}\left( p^{2}(n \log n+ n \log \eta _{\max })\right) $$
running times are proposed for solving the problem under the weighted rectilinear and weighted Chebyshev norms, respectively. Furthermore, it is shown that the problem under the weighted sum-type Hamming distance with uniform modification bounds can be solved in
$$ {\mathcal {O}}(p^2n \log n)$$
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