Optical nonreciprocity in a magnetically active isotropic medium
Tóm tắt
The complex permittivity tensor of a magnetically active isotropic medium is expanded, to third-order accuracy, in terms of a small parameter equal to the ratio of the mean distance between the atoms of the medium to the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave. A dispersion equation is constructed. On the basis of this equation, the refractive indices of the medium for normal waves are obtained when a longitudinal magnetic field is applied to the medium. It is shown that calculations to third-order accuracy yield different values for the velocities of all four normal waves that propagate in the medium in forward and backward directions. Calculations are carried out for the experiment conducted with the use of a ring laser for measuring the expansion coefficients of the complex permittivity tensor that are responsible for the small difference between the velocities of the normal waves propagating in forward and backward directions. It is shown that, in the case of an isotropic optically nonactive medium, the third-order expansion coefficients can be measured by means of a ring laser with an absolute accuracy on the order of 10−14.
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