Opening the black box of energy modelling: Strategies and lessons learned

Energy Strategy Reviews - Tập 19 - Trang 63-71 - 2018
Stefan Pfenninger1, Lion Hirth2,3,4, Ingmar Schlecht5, Eva Schmid6,7, Frauke Wiese8, Tom Brown9, Chris Davis10, Matthew Gidden11, Heidi Heinrichs12, Clara F. Heuberger13, Simon Hilpert14, Uwe Krien15, Carsten Matke16, Arjuna Nebel17, Robbie Morrison18, Berit Müller15, Guido Pleßmann15, Matthias Reeg19, Jörn C. Richstein20, Abhishek Shivakumar21, Iain Staffell13, Tim Tröndle22, Clemens Wingenbach14
1ETH, Zürich, Switzerland
2Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, Germany
3Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC Berlin), Germany
4Neon Neue Energieökonomik GmbH, Berlin, Germany
5University of Basel, Switzerland
6GERMANWATCH, Berlin, Germany
7PIK Potsdam, Germany
8Danish Technical University, Denmark
9FIAS, University of Frankfurt, Germany
10University of Groningen, The Netherlands
11IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria
12Institute of Energy and Climate Research, FZ Jülich, Germany
13Imperial College, London, UK
14University of Flensburg, Germany
15Reiner Lemoine Institute, Germany
16DLR Institute of Networked Energy Systems, Oldenburg, Germany
17Wuppertal Institute, Germany
18Energy Consultant, Berlin, Germany
19DLR, Germany
20DIW Berlin, Germany
21KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
22Cambridge University, UK

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