One-pot sol–gel synthesis of reduced graphene oxide uniformly decorated zinc oxide nanoparticles in starch environment for highly efficient photodegradation of Methylene Blue

RSC Advances - Tập 5 Số 28 - Trang 21888-21896
Majid Azarang1,2,3,4,5, Ahmad Shuhaimi1,6,3,4,5, Ramin Yousefi7,8,9,10, Siamak Pilban Jahromi1,6,3,4,5
150603 Kuala Lumpur
2Department of Physics, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran
3Faculty of Science
4Low Dimensional Materials Research Center, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, 50603, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
5University​ ​ of​ ​ Malaya;
6Department of Physics
7Department of Physics, Masjed-Soleiman Branch, Islamic Azad University (I.A.U), Masjed-Soleiman, Iran
8Islamic Azad University (I.A.U)
10Masjed-Soleiman Branch

Tóm tắt

ZnO NPs + reduced graphene oxide (rGO) nanocomposites were synthesized using a sol–gel method with starch as the polymerisation agent.

Từ khóa

Tài liệu tham khảo

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