On the solutions to certain laplace inequalities with applications to geometry of submanifolds

The Journal of Geometric Analysis - Tập 2 - Trang 195-211 - 1992
Leslie Coghlan1, Yoe Itokawa1, Roman Kosecki1
1Department of Mathematics, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, USA

Tóm tắt

LetM be a complete Riemannian manifold with Ricci curvature bounded from below. We give an explicit estimate for the size of the negative sets of solutions to the differential inequality Δu ≥λu where Δ is the Laplacian and λ is a negative constant. This inequality arises naturally when we study the lengthH of the mean curvature of an isometric immersionf of M into another Riemannian manifoldN with curvature bounded above by some constantκ. Suppose that the image f(M) does not meet the cut locus of some pointo ∈ N. As a consequence of our estimate, we prove that, givenρ > 0, if supH is less than a certain explicit expression μ(κ, ρ) inρ andκ on any domainU that contains an inscribed ball of radius greater than an explicitly computable numberR, then the diameter of the setf(U) inN must exceed 2ρ. Moreover, if supH = μ(κ, ρ) onM and the diameter off(M) inN equals 2ρ, thenf is a minimal immersion into a distance sphere of radiusρ inN.

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