On the new numerical solution of corona‐electrostatic electric field model with inductive electrostatic electrode for the industrial separation of granular mixture

Emerald - Tập 38 Số 5 - Trang 819-836 - 2009
1Département QLIO, IUT de Lorient, Lorient, France and Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des MATériaux de Bretagne‐Sud, Université de Bretagne‐Sud, Lorient, France

Tóm tắt

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to study the industrial separation of granular mixture by approximation of combined corona‐electrostatic electric field with feeder and inductive electrostatic electrode.Design/methodology/approachThe original numerical method developed in Caron's Kybernetes paper is used and extended to an industrial construction. The method gives a mathematical model of an industrial process and converts the non‐linear partial derivative system into an iterative system of linear equations. Using the well‐known finite difference approximation, a numerical solution is computed very quickly.FindingsIn order to really obtain a computer‐aided numerical solution, it is necessary to define a really manageable approximation method. The new simulation results are detailed and show better results for the steady state in time processing and finally, to imagine improvements of the industrial processes.Originality/valueThe paper shows the fast numerical solution, which leads to confidence in the numerical approximations to imagine improvements of the industrial processes easily.

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