On the incidental occurrence of rod-shaped, dextran producing bacteria in a beet-sugar factory
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek - 1939
Tóm tắt
From a „Froschlaich” formed in a sugar-factory, the responsible organism was isolated. This organism could be identified with the dextran-forming, heterofermentative, rod-shaped lactic acid bacterium,Betabacterium vermiforme, a bacterium first described byWard as one of the constituents of the „ginger-beer plant” and recently recognized byMayer (18) as being also one of the components of the „tibi”-consortium. Thus it has been shown that the formation of the „Froschlaich” in sugar factories is not always due toLeuconostoc mesenterioides or toBacillus vulgatus, but can also be caused byBetabacterium vermiforme. A hitherto unknown species of the genusStreptobacterium, was found to be an accompanying organism. This rod-shaped, homofermentative, dextran-forming bacterium has been described in detail as the speciesStreptobacterium dextranicum nov. spec.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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