On the earliest products (ca. 1751–1752) of the Worcester porcelain manufactory: Evidence from sherds from the Warmstry House site, England
Tóm tắt
Ceramic sherds recovered from the lowest level of a waster pile at the Warmstry House site have diverse compositions. One sample was derived from a paste with the same major ingredients as later (mid-1750s to 1770s) Worcester porcelain but in different proportions, whereas others are significantly different (e.g., are comparatively P-rich and Mg+Pb-poor). The mildly phosphatic sherds were derived from a recipe containing bone ash and small amounts of flint glass frit, but no talc, a signature ingredient of Lund’s Bristol porcelain and later Worcester wares. Consequently, they are interpreted to predate Worcester’s annexation (21 February 1752) of the Bristol works. A compositionally transitional (Mg+P-rich, Pb-free) sherd is a hybrid ware that links the phosphatic samples with later, Mg+Pb-rich Worcester porcelain. These data suggest that Worcester’s early proprietors developed their own experimental pastes prior to adopting more Bristol-like recipes after February 1752. It is evident from the composition of the transitional sherd that they continued their experiments with phosphate-bearing pastes after they had knowledge of Bristol’s recipe.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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