On the analysis of the high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and coal accumulating law of jurassic in Ordos Basin

Journal of Coal Science and Engineering (China) - Tập 14 - Trang 85-91 - 2008
Zeng-xue Li1,2, Mei-lian Han1, Jiang-tao Li3, Ji-feng Yu1,2, Da-wei Lü1,2, Han-feng Liu1
1College of Geological Information Science and Engineering, Shandong University Sience Technology, Qingdao, China
2Research Center of Petroleum and Gas Exploration and Exploitation Techniques of Shandong, Qingdao, China
3Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China

Tóm tắt

The strata of Jurassic was divided into three tectonic sequences and eight sequences of third rank, according to the developing feature of the tectonic inconformity and the transforming feature of the depositional system tracts. Also the identification and the division of the base-level cycle of different period were carried through. Therefore three cycles of super period, eight cycles of long period, twenty-four cycles of middle period and some cycles of short period were identified. From the overall character of the coal-accumulation in the Mesozoic, we can see that the Yan’an formation is of the best nature of coal bearing. When the coal bearing systems of Jurassic were depositing, the Ordos area is the coal accumulating basin of terrene of large scale and located in the same tectonic unit. But the local structure of different part and the paleolandform are different in the basin, which resulted in the difference of the depositional environment. So the layer number and the distribution of the thickness of the coal beds are different in the different part of the basin. The coal-accumulating action migrated regularly along with the development, evolvement and migration of the depositional systems. The layer numbers of the coal beds, which can be mined, are more in the north and west fringe of the basin, whose distributing area is extensive, and they are more steady in the landscape orientation, also the total thickness is great. Therefore the nature of coal bearing and the coal-accumulating action of different part changed obviously in the space in Ordos area.

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