On the Strong Coupling Limit of the Faddeev-Hopf Model

J. M. Speight1, M. Svensson1
1School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, Leeds, U.K.

Tóm tắt

The variational calculus for the Faddeev-Hopf model on a general Riemannian domain, with general Kähler target space, is studied in the strong coupling limit. In this limit, the model has key similarities with pure Yang-Mills theory, namely conformal invariance in dimension 4 and an infinite dimensional symmetry group. The first and second variation formulae are calculated and several examples of stable solutions are obtained. In particular, it is proved that all immersive solutions are stable. Topological lower energy bounds are found in dimensions 2 and 4. An explicit description of the spectral behaviour of the Hopf map $${S^3 \rightarrow S^2}$$ is given, and a conjecture of Ward concerning the stability of this map in the full Faddeev-Hopf model is proved.

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