On the Average Case of MergeInsertion
Tóm tắt
MergeInsertion, also known as the Ford-Johnson algorithm, is a sorting algorithm which, up to today, for many input sizes achieves the best known upper bound on the number of comparisons. Indeed, it gets extremely close to the information-theoretic lower bound. While the worst-case behavior is well understood, only little is known about the average case. This work takes a closer look at the average case behavior. In particular, we establish an upper bound of
$n \log n - 1.4005n + o(n)$
comparisons. We also give an exact description of the probability distribution of the length of the chain a given element is inserted into and use it to approximate the average number of comparisons numerically. Moreover, we compute the exact average number of comparisons for n up to 148. Furthermore, we experimentally explore the impact of different decision trees for binary insertion. To conclude, we conduct experiments showing that a slightly different insertion order leads to a better average case and we compare the algorithm to Manacher’s combination of merging and MergeInsertion as well as to the recent combined algorithm with (1,2)-Insertionsort by Iwama and Teruyama.
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