On quantum resonances in stationary geometries
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See,e. g., Proceeding of the Marcel Grossman Meeting, edited byR. Ruffini (Amsterdam, 1976).
See,e. g.,J. A. Wheeler:Transcending the law of conservation of leptons, inQuaderno No. 157, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Roma, 1971), p. 133.
N. Deruelle andR. Ruffini:Phys. Lett.,52 B, 437 (1974); in this paper the positive- and negative-root solutions introduced byD. Christodoulou andR. Ruffini:Phys. Rev. D,4, 3552 (1971), are identified with the classical limits of the positive- and negative-energy states of a relativistic quantized field. Sce alsoT. Damour:Lett. Nuovo Cimento,12, 315 (1975), where this correspondence is made manifest by a suitable choice of the co-ordinates.
See,e. g.,T. Damour andR. Ruffini:Phys. Rev. Lett.,35, 463 (1975);N. Deruelle andR. Ruffini:Phys. Lett.,58 B, (1975) and references mentioned there.
See,e.g.,B. Carter:Comm. Math. Phys.,10, 280 (1968);D. Brill, P. M. Chrzanowski, C. M. Pereira, E. D. Fackerell andJ. R. Ipser:Phys. Rev. D,5, 1913 (1972).
J. Meixner andF. W. Schärfke:Mathieusche Funktionen und Sphäroidfunktionen (Berlin, 1954).
G. Gamow:Zeits. Phys.,51 204 (1928). See alsoG. Gamow:Structure of Atomic Nuclei and Nuclear Transformations (Oxford, 1937).
There is one important difference between the study of the resonances of a nucleus and the resonances of a quantized field around a collapsed object: the leakage in the case of a nucleus occurs always toward spatial infinity (r→∞) while in the case of a collapsed object occurs toward the horizon (r→r + orx→−∞).
D. Christodoulou andR. Ruffini:On the electrodynamics of collapsed objects, inBlack Holes, edited byB. de Witt andC. de Witt (London, 1973).
B. Carter: inBlack Holes, edited byB. de Witt andC. de Witt (London, 1973).
See,e.g.,G. Breit andF. L. Yost:Phys. Rev.,48, 203 (1935).