On Aging and Aged Care in Serbia

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 30 - Trang 217-231 - 2015
G. Sevo1, M. Davidovic2, P. Erceg2, N. Despotovic2, D. P. Milosevic2, M. Tasic1
1Institute for Gerontology and Palliative Care, Belgrade, Serbia
2Medical Faculty - Geriatric Department, Zvezdara University Clinical Hospital, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

Tóm tắt

Serbia is a demographically old nation, with 17.4 % of its residents being aged 65 years and older in 2011. The previous two decades of turbulent history have significantly affected the demographic picture of this country, and their ramifications remain visible in Serbia's economic, political, cultural, and health spheres. Major demographic forces behind population aging in Serbia can be attributed to lower fertility rates, migrations, and declining mortality (reflecting improvements in overall health leading to a longer life expectancy). In Serbia, low fertility and migrations appear to play major roles, although the relative contribution of recent migrations cannot be measured with accuracy. Patterns of demographic aging vary considerably across different geographic, socioeconomic, and cultural settings. The common denominator throughout present day Serbia is extensive political and economic transition. One would expect that, given sufficient time, this process will result in improved population health, and yet, at this stage outcomes of major health care reform in Serbia are somewhat perplexing. For the second consecutive year, Serbia’s health care system has been ranked at the very bottom of the scale among 34 European countries. It is then no surprise that the elderly represent particularly vulnerable population segment. This paper discusses some of the issues relevant to these demographic patterns of aging and aged care in contemporary Serbia, focusing on the period after 2000.

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