OmniRank: learning to recommend based on omni-traversal of heterogeneous graphs
Tóm tắt
In this paper, we propose a new node similarity measure, OmniRank,
for multi-dimensional and heterogeneous social networks. In particular, we recursively propagate the structural similarity computation beyond the neighborhood of the nodes to the entire heterogeneous (e.g., user, item, tag) graph, which incorporates several unipartite and bipartite graphs. We have evaluated experimentally OmniRank and compared it against other state-of-the-art algorithms (wRWR, SimRank and P-Rank) on two real-life data sets (HetRec 2011 and GeoSocialRec). Our experiments have shown that OmniRank outperforms its comparison partners in terms of effectiveness and recommendation accuracy, because it exploits information on both multi-step and omni-directional neighborhoods (unipartite and bipartite).
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