Odor nuisance and health risk assessment of VOC emissions from a rendering plant
Tóm tắt
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are generated from animal rendering facilities, some of which are malodorous, while others are considered hazardous. Odor annoyance potential, possible carcinogenic risks, and toxic effects due to VOC emissions from a rendering plant unit in Southwest Greece were evaluated for the general population residing in the near vicinity. Nine air samples were collected from the facilities of an integrated rendering plant and the surrounding area, over a 9-month period. Volatile compounds were absorbed onto solid sorbents containing Tenax TA/Sulficarb via active sampling and analyzed by thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS). Sixty-three organic compounds, mainly volatile fatty acids, aldehydes, aromatic, and sulfur compounds, were quantified, in concentrations ranging from < 0.01 to 210 μg m−3. The compounds contributing most to odor nuisance were butanoic acid, dimethyl trisulfide, and octanal, exceeding their odor threshold by up to 24, 36, and 117 times, respectively. Cancer and non-cancer risks were determined by a probabilistic risk assessment method. The cumulative lifetime cancer risk for the general population was calculated to be on average 10 times higher than the acceptable risk (one-in-a-million). The cumulative mean hazard quotient was 3.3 and its 95th percentile was 4.0, indicating a high risk of adverse health effects. Control measures to prevent the generation of the VOCs responsible for both odor nuisance and potential adverse health effects should be adopted.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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