Observing the invisible through imaging mass spectrometry, a window into the metabolic exchange patterns of microbes

Journal of Proteomics - Tập 75 Số 16 - Trang 5069-5076 - 2012
David J. Gonzalez1, Yuquan Xu2, Yuliang Yang2, Eduardo Esquenazi3, Wei–Ting Liu4, Anna Edlund5, Tram Duong2, Liangcheng Du6, István Molnár7, William H. Gerwick5, Paul R. Jensen5, Michael A. Fischbach8, Fang‐Rong Chang9, Paul D. Straight10, Victor Nizet1, Pieter C. Dorrestein3,11
1Department of Pediatrics, University of California, San Diego, United States.
2Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of California, San Diego, United States
3University of California
4Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego, United States.
5Center for Marine Biotechnology and Biomedicine, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, United States.
6Department of Chemistry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, United States
7Natural Products Center, School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States
8Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, University of California, San Francisco, United States.
9Department of Marine Biotechnology and Resources National Sun Yat‐sen University Kaohsiung 804 Taiwan
10Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Texas A&M University, College Station, United States.
11University of california at San Diego

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