OH maser outburst in the W3 nebula
Tóm tắt
We report the results of three-year long observations of OH masers at 1665 MHz in the W3(OH) source carried out with the 32-m antenna of Svetloe Radio Astronomical Observatory.We found that the strongest activity during the period from December 2011 through March 2012 was exhibited by the region at radial velocity −46.2km s−1. The region showed no activity in the ensuing time. The most striking outburst was the event that occurred on January 23, 2013 at UT 03:27. At that time the flux of the region increased by a factor of seven in 90 s, and then decreased down to the initial level. Such a time scale yields the upper estimate of 0.18 AU (2.7 × 1012 cm) for the linear size of the maser dot. In 2013–2014 intensity variations were found the −47.6 and −45.1km s−1 components with time scales on the order of 10 hours and anticorrelated behavior of the left- and right-hand polarization fluxes. This is the first time that such phenomena have been found in the behavior of OH maser emission, and they cannot be explained by any existing models of maser variability.
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