Numerical investigation on magnetohydrodynamics flow of Casson fluid over a deformable porous layer with slip conditions
Tóm tắt
The present study makes a numerical assessment of magnetohydrodynamics stream of Casson liquid over a deformable porous layer with slip conditions. The governing ordinary differential equations are settled Runge–Kutta fourth-order method along with the shooting technique. The impact of relevant parameters on the liquid velocity, the solid displacement, the temperature and the concentration are shown graphically, while the mass stream rate is contemplated numerically shown in tabular structure. The present outcomes have been great concurrence with existing assessments under some exceptional cases. We can see that the liquid velocity and solid displacements are rotted for higher estimations of magnetic parameter and the contrary nature found for the impact of Casson parameter. The effect of slip boundary conditions on the fluid velocity, the temperature and the concentration is additionally inspected.
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